World Politics

Palestine and United Nations

In historic move UNO General Assembly overwhelming voted in favor of Philistine authority as a non observer state according to 1967 borders with Israel in UNO General Assembly. Now it seem true that like middle east Israel and its close friend United States are also going alone in other forums like UNO. After recent victory in Gaza recent victory in UNO General Assembly is also big won for Philistine people.

Although three permanent of security council France, Russia, China and other countries voted in favor of Philistine bid for independent observer state in United Nations but Philistine authority recent move strongly opposed by US, Israel and its close allies. Israel fears that after getting status of Independent observer states philistine can challenge Israel's war crimes in International criminal court. US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister urged Philistine authority to instead of going to UNO and seeking status for independent state, start dialogue with Israelis and solve crises through negotiations. True reality is that despite long negotiations and several road peace maps presented by US authorities including President Obama last forty five years Philistine people get nothing except deaths destructions and long siege of Gaza.

Despite serious reservations of world community and US itself Israelis illegal constructions are still going on. Things are going bad to worse after Israeli continues air strikes at Gaza and other places. Killing of innocent women and children by using F16s, Drones, and Guided missiles has become big challenge for conscience for modern world. After miserable role of US and Israel and world community Philistine authority had rightly decided to go to UNO and get status of independent status through UNO General Assembly. At the time when East Timor and northern Sudan get status of dependent state through UNO resolutions why Philistine people can't do like this.


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