World Politics

Karachi target killing

Recent wave of killing in Karachi is enough to open eye of concern authorities in Pakistan. According to police sources more than 1500 people lost their lives in target killing incident this year. City has divided in sectarian and ethnic basis and arm groups are still controlling several areas of city. No go areas are still exists in city and politically appointed security heads are making things bad to worse. Several traders are forced to close their business after increasing force donations calls by different political groups.

Due to government silence and lack of interest Police and Para military force Rangers are seeing everything with blind eyes. Only few months ago month police operation in strong hold of criminals has failed to arrest and killed any wanted criminal in the area. After political pressure police left the area without any success and also losing several their comrades. True reality is that whole city is still under control of arm gangs and mafia groups belong to ethnic, sectarian and religious groups.

Most of people who killed in recent violence belong to poor community of city and transports, shops, houses and hotels burned down during recent riots belong to very poor community of city and after lost of their personal belonging s they don't have anything to feed their families.

Recently Interior Minister Rahamn Malik accepted that, presence of foreign weapons is main cause of uncertainty in city. Only months ago government another minister Nabil Gabool also revealed that Karachi has more weapons than lawless tribal areas and some parties are receiving huge amount of money and weapons as a reward of securing NATO supply route from Karachi to Quetta.

Unfortunately due to political interest present government is seeing everything with blind eyes and doing only cosmetics steps to calm down burning situation of Pakistan political and cultural hub Karachi and things are going bad to worse every day. Until and unless government is not ready to face realities and arrest and punish all criminals without distinguishing of political affiliation and remove politically appointed security personnel's dream of peace can't come true in Karachi.


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