World Politics

Energy Crises in Pakistan

According to media news The High Court in Pakistan ordered the federal government to implement decisions of the Council of Common Interests and build the Kalabagh Dam as soon as possible to meet current power crises in country. True reality is that due to worse energy crises construction of new dams have become crying need of the day in Pakistan. 

Despite worse energy crises during last several years government has not been able to construct any new dam to reduce worse power shorting in country. Unfortunately Kalabagh Dam issue is highly politicized in Pakistan and different political parties are using this issue only for political purpose. Now power crisis in the country has reached a critical stage while in peak summer shortfall reached 7500 Mega Watts when country need 17000 mega watts but generation was only 9000 megawatts. In peak summer 18 to 20 hours load shedding is making things bad to worse for normal people.

Unfortunately government appointed Minister Water and Power has no ability to prepare any positive strategy. Despite four years of rule present government don’t have long term plans to cope with energy crises in country. Due to continued power shortage small business and traders also facing worse crises and due to worse power failure several factories have shut their doors for workers and graph of unemployment is rising in country. Government has also failed to stop electricity theft even in big cities like Karachi, Lahore and Faisalabad.

Despite worse energy crises and long hours of load shedding government is increasing electricity tariffs every month which further fueled people anger and due to energy crises present government is losing its popularity and credibility very rapidly.


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