World Politics

Conflict in Darfur

Despite peace efforts, things are going from bad to worse in Darfur. The recent donors’ conference in Qatar to support the Darfur region is a step in the right direction.

The reality is that several years of war have gained nothing and only added to the misery of the lives of thousands of poor people. Despite oil wealth in the region, several years of war have led to a huge loss of life. Thousands still live in refugee camps. Poor people find it hard to find the daily necessities of life. Death and hunger have become part and parcel of their lives. The conference in Qatar announced that a US$7 billion package of aid had been earmarked for Darfur. At the time when the world economy is passing through a critical stage, this package can change the lives of thousands. However, the money must go to the right people. Checks are needed to prevent corruption.

Khawaja Umer Farooq


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